Monday, January 18, 2010

Contact Your Republican Committee Members

You hear it all the time in the conservative world. People get upset with what they think their party is doing compared to what they think their party is supposed to do. Accusations fly that so and so is not a "real Republican." It's nothing new. When I researched communications between Republicans from a century ago, you saw and heard the same things. Sometimes the problem is the gap between perception and reality.

Here's an idea. Get to know your representatives to the Republican Party. Many do not even know that state and local Republican committees exist, or that representation to them is based upon the votes of the registered Republican voters. Your state Republican Party can give you contact information so that you may call or e mail your district's representative on the state committee, and/or your county chair. Meetings of state and county GOP executive committees are open to the public (of course you have to travel to the state meetings, held twice a year in West Virginia.)

Does this mean that you will automatically agree with these folks? Maybe, maybe not. But by getting in contact with representatives and leaders, asking questions, and getting involved, you will get a better idea of what is going on and why. Public involvement is a goal of most GOP organizations. They benefit from volunteers and the influx of new ideas and perspectives.

Just remember, these organizations, like our government, are elected by the people. They are your Republican Party organizations. You have a right as a registered Republican to attend meetings, ask questions, and get a better idea of what is going on. This is especially good in states such as West Virginia where the liberal media only reports on Republicans during disagreements or other problems that create bad press.

Right now candidates are filing to run for the State Legislature, county commission, and other races. They need your help. Time to continue the momentum from Tuesday and start working on bringing to office more who believe in the principles of the Republican Party.

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