Thursday, April 23, 2009

So the Terrorists Won After All

Just after 9/11, it was bandied about that if we allowed substantial changes to our national character as a result of crisis, it meant the terrorists were winning. Who ever would have thought we'd see the following:

The government is no longer our obedient servant. Now General Motors is the government's obedient servant.

Those who interpreted the law so that we could compete on the front lines of terrorism now possibly face worse treatment than all but one of the Confederate States of America military and political officials who actually took arms against the United States. They do not get a thank you for preventing additional attacks, they get threatened with prosecution.

Law abiding gun owners are told that the freedoms they believe in somehow give Mexican drug lords 90% of their guns. I am not sure how they got all those Russian, Chinese, and Czech arms from American dealers.

We'd rather form government labor battalions than reduce taxes so that employers can hire more people.

The British head of government and head of state are treated with crass disrespect while anti-American dictators get the "best buddy" treatment.

We regard captured terrorists as civilians and returning solider-heroes as terrorists.

Republicans are, for the most part, also mostly terrorists for standing behind our Founding ideals.

This is a government that plays hardball with corporations, but swoons with affection towards the brutal Hugo Chavez. The world is turned upside down. A few years ago we were prosperous and strong, now we mollycoddle enemies and trample the free market.

Two years cannot go past soon enough. We need to get our America back.

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