Monday, April 20, 2009

Keyser Flag Day Tea Party Scheduled

Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009
Time: 2:00 to 3:00 PM
Location: Grand Centeral Business Center, 1 East Piedmont St.
City: Keyser, WV 26726

Planned Events: Planting of a Liberty Tree

The first Liberty Tree was near Boston Common and was a meeting place for the first patriots. As time went on many towns and cities had their own Liberty Trees for meeting places prior to the Revolution. The new Liberty Tree will be our meeting place and symbol that we wish to return to following the Founding Fathers vision of Liberty.

Featured Speakers:

Dr. Matt E. Ryan, Ph. D.
Charles G. Koch Doctoral Fellow
College of Business & Economics
West Virginia University
Associate editor on "Unleashing Capitalism"

Greg Brown, US Army, Veteran OEF - 2002, OIF - 2003-2004


  1. So I don't understand this explain a bit better Gary?
    You going to throw tea bags in grand central?
    Or is this a figure of speach use of the tea party!

  2. Clearly I read that wrong. Nevermind
