Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Either Naivete, Stupidity, Or A Serious Lack of Concern

In 1959 a newspaper photo was sent over the wires that reaffirmed in the strongest possible way the support of the United States of America for democracy as well as its opposition to oppression and tyranny. Vice President Richard Nixon responded to a debate challenge by Nikita Kruschev with characteristic aggressiveness. The pugnacious Nixon stands with index finger extended into the chest of a suddenly bemused Soviet premier.

Other presidents, such as Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, were credited for boosting the spirits of those fighting tyranny in their own countries. Reagan's challenges reverberated secretly through the gulags while Tibetan freedom protesters in recent years cited American support as a strong source of motivation. You never forgot our position on dictatorship and democracy during these presidencies.

That is what makes Obama's familiarity with Chavez so chilling and foolish at the same time. He plays the picture of a handshake and the two men obviously enjoying each other's company as meaningless. Remember, this is the same person who (along with his wife) could not help but demonstrate contempt over and over for our real allies.

Obama in foreign affairs conducts himself like the stereotypical witless TV dad who has no real connection with the world around him, simply wants to get along with everyone, and try to look "cool" doing it.

Maybe he should stay home and let the adults handle "big boy" issues like America's daily shrinking credibility. Then again, he would just be tempted to foul up the banks and General Motors some more. Or maybe pass another tax on employers.

Does anyone else remember the days when the President of the United States was called "leader of the free world?"


Count me as someone unconcerned that one of the 9/11 plotters was waterboarded over 180 times. Seems to me it was about 2,000 times too few. I have zero sympathy for this gentleman. The idea that terrorists will treat American or allied prisoners more harshly as a result is ludicrous. They beheaded Daniel Pearl. At least some of the victims of execution were not given clean cuts either. Does it get much more brutal than that? We need to remember who we are dealing with.

Every report on the number of waterboardings done to these people ought to be prefaced by a shot of the towers being hit and coming down.

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