Friday, April 24, 2009

The Return of the 19th Century Media

In the 19th Century the Newspaper was your only source of news. Many towns had more than one, with names like the Barbour County Democrat, The Oakland Republican, etc. These names were not picked haphazardly, they reflected the views of the newspaper. You bought your newspaper based on its political views. That was how the media ran in the 19th Century.

Through the 20th Century that open bias went underground and was thinly veiled claim of journalistic impartiality. Although if you looked close enough you could often find the bias poking its head through. The problem was the vast majority of the press shifted to the left.

Now at the beginning of the 21st Century it has come full circle and the 19th Century media has returned with a vengeance. MSNBC could very easily change its name to DNBC (Democrat National Broadcasting Corp), or CNN changes it to DNN (Democratic News Network) because that reflects the view point they provide. They complain constantly that Fox News is Republican Network. Well, they would be right. They are providing a different point of view and reaping the financial rewards.

Our nations political views are primarily center right. With the majority of the media hard left, they do not reflect the view point most Americans want to hear. If some one wants to challenge Fox News media dominance, then the way to do that is create a second right leaning network.

In the 21st Century if you're Right, the you watch Fox News, read the internet and listen to talk radio. If you're left then you watch Broadcast news, CNN or MSNBC and read major city newspapers. Now if we could only return a 19th Century sized Federal Government.

1 comment:

  1. The difference is that the major newspapers were reliable sources of political reporting. Yes they were biased, but they tended to take pride in the accuracy of reporting. Today, especially MSNBC takes pride in how successfully they manipulate the news.
