Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tea Party Evolution

Went to the Potomac Highlands Patriots meeting last night and I'm happy to say that the group is thriving. It had a strong group of individuals with good ideas on how to move forward. This Tea Party is not just resting on its laurels and remembering the triumph of last year. Instead, it is moving forward with plans to support Bill Maloney's gubernatorial campaign, seeking ways to continue to push free market development locally, and preparing to make an impact in 2012.

Of course Mineral County is not alone. Hampshire County's Tea Party, We the People of Hampshire County, have held impressive rallies and hosted speakers. Their website is They are pushing free markets and individual liberty issues very hard in their county and will have a powerful effect on the 2012 election cycle in their area.

The way that these Tea Parties have adapted to the off year is impressive. The Potomac Highlands Patriots will be more involved in addressing local economic development meetings and making their concerns known to entities like the Planning Commission. Hampshire County is working hard to educate people in their issues. They are proving that the Tea Party movement will remain not just viable, but powerful in this region.

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