Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Guess Who Else the Stimulus Bailed Out?

A friend of ours raising a child whose father has never paid much support in fifteen years got a letter this week. It had a substantial check inside from the United States Government.
The letter accompanying the check read that stimulus money was being distributed to single parents whose children's parents were not paying support. That's not too bad in itself. I can live with a little help for these mothers and fathers struggling to make it on their own.
My problem comes from the fact that the letter said that the amount given to the parents with the child had been deducted from the total amount of child support owed by the absent parent.
Say what? I can understand using stimulus money to help the parent with the child and then attaching any future federal tax returns. I cannot understand why that money was just wiped off of what they owed.
So yes, Joe Taxpayer. Apparently, you paid your taxes to bail out deadbeat parents.

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