Monday, August 23, 2010

An Omission Or a Plan?

In the map to the right, and it may be too small a scale to see clearly, there is a startling omission.
This map comes from the Mineral County Comprehensive Plan draft. The county commission is trying to push the draft into law. On the other hand, some local businessmen have cried foul and claimed that the public hearings on the draft were more of a facade than a true input session. Some have claimed that the current plan violates the law and that court action will be taken.
This map's omission could open a Pandora's box of questions about the plan. It lists every school in the county save one, Fountain Elementary. Although the public has been reassured for years that this small but effective school will remain open, Fountain has no presence on the map made for the Comprehensive Plan.
Is this an oversight, or is closing Fountain Elementary part of their plan for the county?

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