Friday, August 20, 2010

Is Recovery Impossible?

With an out of control debt combined with the government willing to only raise taxes to address it, many Americans ask "can we ever get out of this mess? Is recovery even possible?"

You can see why people ask that question. We are getting close to seeing over 50% of the country on some form of government assistance. Our debt approaches 90% of our GDP. Business are holding back $2 trillion in investment capital because they fear that it will just get confiscated in taxes. The stimulus spending has only driven the private sector into hiding, like John Galt in Atlas Shrugged.Things do look bad. Even worse.....they are bad. Meanwhile China just surpassed Japan as the second wealthiest world economy.

The answer is this. America can always bounce back. This country went from a military of a little over a hundred thousand to many millions in World War II. Then, as now, faith in what we accomplish if we do what is right will see us to victory.

This time the enemy is the basic human urge to let others take responsibility and provide guidance. Freedom is hard, slavery is easy. Free people have to make choices and live with the results. Brave people relish the risk. America has always been the land of the free and the home of the brave. When we get people into office who trust free markets and individuals, we will once again unleash the potential of this country.

This November we will see voters take back the country from those who think they know better. We will see an America with elected oficials that work with what the people want, not try to rule over them.

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