Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time For Race to Take a Backseat In American Political Discussion

Race this past week once again surfaced in politics. Left wingers accused black conservatives of race treason while RNC chief Michael Steele stated that his skin color gave him less of a margin for error than other political chiefs.

Both statements are baloney.

First comes the idea that anyone can be a traitor to their race for holding a different point of view. Who says these types of things outside of Nazis and the corporate culture of what used to be a civil rights movement?

Michael Steele himself was subject to having oreo cookies thrown at him by radical blacks who accused him of not being true to his race. Increasingly blacks are moving towards the Republican Party and the Tea Party movement in particular. They are running for office and establishing conservative blogs. Increasing participation from different populations has changed the face of the Republican Party. This invites a backlash from race baiters such as Chris Matthews of MSNBC, an unholy combination of Obama lackey and a man who preaches black political conformity.

No one should conform to anything on the basis of skin color alone. That defies the dreams of men such as Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King Jr. The goal of civil rights was race blindness, not political apartheid.

Small government, limited spending, and lower taxes attract support regardless of color. Those that believe that people ought to keep more of what they earn are not restricted by race, ethnicity, creed, or sexual orientation.

At the same time it is important for Steele and others to remember that in this very important election year, it is important to run a tight ship. Erratic statements and proposals distract from the message and perpetuate the image that the GOP is out of touch, not the Democrats. No one would enjoy much margin of error this year and it has nothing to do with race.

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