Monday, April 26, 2010

Obama to White Males: "Drop Dead"

First of all, apologies for not posting at the end of last week. I had to travel last weekend.

Obama, according to, released a video message through the DNC trying fairly uncharismatically to connect with the same voters who he thinks enabled his victory originally, blacks, hispanics, women, and (supposedly) women. The Democrats hope that a national resurgence of Obamamania will save them this fall.

Remember when Obama was supposed to be a uniter, break racial, partisan, and gender divides? Perhaps the drop off in support over the past couple of years reflects that fact that Obama was not what he promised to be. He is taxing the middle class, demonizing his enemies, keeping his legislation secret instead of open, and showing a distinct pettiness and condescension towards even his supporters. Instead of distancing himself from the ultimate politician, Bill Clinton, as he tried to do in 2008, he now embraces Clinton.

Obama did this partly to himself. He built up unreasonable expectations and promised certain things to the electorate. Those promises were forgotten quickly. The carefully crafted image of a liberal messiah sent by heaven to erase Bushism crumbled. If an election were held today between Bush and Obama, Bush would eke out a win. This puts Obama back at the same level of popularity as John Kerry.

Will those voters come out to support Obama and vote in the off elections? Likely no. Young people now understand that he is not an idealist. Furthermore, Republicans have convicned them that Obama policies have mortgaged their future. All Obama can do is say "no it won't" even as his own budget offices prove that he deceived us. Middle class and wealthy blacks are increasingly agitated about taxes. Traditionally Democratic Jewish voters are angry over the mistreatment of Israel and its leaders. In short, Obama's radical agenda, condescending nature, and horrible foreign policy have alienated much of his base. Democrats will pay in November.

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