Friday, October 16, 2009

V Is For Vendetta and I Is For Incompetence

Obama has never liked Fox News. Obama's court of supporters never have either. Naturally it serves as a media center rallying the opposition, according to studies more partisan than CNN, but much less so than MSNBC.

Obama has personally tried to undermine his media opposition, what there is of it, from the start of his presidency. Rush Limbaugh got the first taste of Obamavective and his ratings skyrocketed. People who had not listened in years started tuning in again. Then he turned his guns on Fox News who now routinely dominate their competition among 24 hour news organizations.

The president tries to make it a battle of personalities and wills, something that he usually won in the past as a senator and candidate. He has yet to realize that the presidency is something else. It is a position of dignity, partisan, yet expected to be above the petty frays of the day. Obama has so little political experience that he is not aware, or does not care, that the Democratic National Committee's job is to smear Fox News. It is the pit bull of a Democratic administration, attacking opponents and taking the hits.

Even left wingers shake their heads in dismay every time they see the White House or the president himself go after legitimate news organizations. The liberal media actually rouse themselves to fact check Obama's inaccurate assaults on Fox, criticizing his inability to distinguish between opinion artists and hard news reporting (Fox was actually the first to reveal an October surprise story against President Bush in 2004.) Liberals dislike Fox, but respect the freedom of the press. President Bush had few friends in the press, but never hit back against much more personal criticism levied against him by even hard news reporters.

Obama has revealed himself, as John Nichols of The Nation, put it (thank you Don Surber for the link) as "whiner-in-chief." He expects media love, as in the preposterous Time article that rated his presidency an A-, but has no clue how to take criticism or dislike in a presidential fashion.

Perhaps because he had no business being president in the first place. The Democrats nominated snake oil for the presidency and we all suffer for it now.

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