Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Shifting Gears on the Issues of Gays

Thousands of protesters marched on Washington DC this weekend to pressure Barack Obama and Congress into changing their stances on gay issues, particularly marriage and the military.

Gays have grown disenchanted with the Democratic Party for treating them the same way as they treat other minorities, with platitudes and promises but no action. Likely many also beneath the surface worry about the impact of the higher taxes passed and proposed by the Democratic Congress that will harm small businesses and professionals.

On the issue of marriage the GOP should switch gears. We are at our best when defending freedom and attacking government intereference. As I have stated a few times before, the small government solution is to have civil unions for any two people who wish to create a legal bond. Marriage is left as a religious sacrament (or ritual), and/or a cultural and social event. I do not even have a problem with unsanctioned polygamy, provided that consenting adults are doing it. How is it that government ignores every other alternative lifestyle combination, but doggedly pursues people who practice polygame for religious reasons (not that I want government investigating those practicing alternative lifestyles of any sort if they are consenting adults.) That is a slap in the face of First Amendment religious rights (again, provided that all involved are consenting adults at the time of the match.)

The gay population is much more likely to be entrepreneurial than most other recognized groups. This leaves them very vulnerable to rises in taxes, overregulation, and economic downturns. If purely left to their economic interests, they would vote Republican or Libertarian.

As far as the military is concerned, it ought to be left to that institution itself to determine what its policy is. They have a legitimate fear that sexual relations can break down discipline on an individual and collective basis. Individuals get thrown together and subjected to stress for extended periods, encouraging illicit sexual behavior. That being said, the military ought to find a place for gays somewhere and enforce rigorous discipline upon all while examining whether or not to put acknowledged homosexuals into combat situations. It is not as if people join the military to hook up with other servicepeople. However discipline must be preserved, especially in time of war.

Does this mean that the whole gay agenda should be swallowed hook, line, and sinker? Absolutely not! Extremists that want to teach about gay sex in elementary school need to be stopped. Sexual discussions are inappropriate at young ages. Also sex education later needs to stick to talking about reproduction only and not delve into lifestyle discussions. I also have a problem with legislation that punishes those that attack gays and minorities more than other violent crimes. So-called hate crimes statutes violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. If I hit a guy upside the head with a 2x4, it means that I don't like him regardless of his race, creed, ethnic background, or orientation.

Society has changed considerably in the past twenty years. The Republican Party has an opportunity to seize the anti-Big Government mandate again. It cannot do so if it gets bogged down in enforcing social restrictions. Will we lose the social conservatives if we make this shift? Not if we couple it with a reaffirmation of our anti-abortion position. Everyone deserves the right to life. Thomas Jefferson wrote it and most Republicans still believe it. There is no such thing as a situation that is too poor or dysfunctional for a child. Read about Alexander Hamilton's birth and upbringing. Some of our greatest people have come from much worse situations than that and used the lessons learned growing up to make themselves great.

The point is that our party wins when it supports freedom and rights. Backing off the gay mariage issue will only help, especially with young voters.

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