Friday, September 11, 2009


I remember where I was when it happened. Very few historical events take me back to where I was at the time. Ronald Reagan being shot was one, the Challenger explosion another.

I remember the sadness after the first plane hit. Then the anger after the second hit. Then fear. What would get hit next? After the Pentagon, rumors flew everywhere.

We scoured our minds to think of who we knew who might have been in the line of terror.

We entertained the most brutal thoughts of retribution.

Today we remember those who died, the families that still suffer, the country that will never forget, and the soldiers that sacrifice for our freedom every day. We will not forget who did this, or the fact that they attacked us not for what America has done, but the freedom we proudly stand for and the prosperity our forefathers worked so hard to create.

Some try to muddy the waters on what Patriots' Day means. We still know evil when we see it. We still recognize what America has always meant to ourselves and freedom loving people around the world.

So say a prayer for the fallen and look to your flag with pride.

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