Wednesday, September 9, 2009

McKinney to Rahall and Mollohan: Stop Following Nancy Pelosi's Marching Orders and Listen to West Virginia

[Charleston, West Virginia] - Republican Chairman Doug McKinney called on Congressman Nick Rahall and Congressman Alan Mollohan to stop taking Nancy Pelosi's orders on health care and listen to the concerns of West Virginia voters.

"I don't like to break up other's friendships, but Nancy Pelosi doesn't care about West Virginia," McKinney said. "She hates the coal we produce, and she believes the federal government and not our citizens should decide how we should spend our money or which doctor we should visit. Now, she is telling the media that she will pass a health care bill out of the House that our citizens don't support, and she will order her foot soldiers to vote for it."

"Congressmen Rahall and Mollohan tried holding a few town hall meetings filled with supporters of Nancy Pelosi's health care bill that includes a public option, but they were surprised that West Virginians turned out in force to tell them 'NO!' But, now that they are back in Washington, they are back under her thumb when it comes to voting on a bill."

Chairman McKinney further explained, "Congressmen Rahall and Mollohan have been taking their marching orders from Nancy Pelosi for far too long. Poor Nick Rahall had to beg for the Speaker to let him vote no on Cap and Trade, and she only gave him her approval the night before the vote. It is never a good sign when he has to choose between his party's leadership in Washington and the people who actually elected him."

"Instead of trying to grandstand once a year during the August recess, Congressmen Mollohan and Rahall should spend more time back in their districts," said McKinney. "Congresswoman Capito used the recess to travel from one side of her district to the other to talk energy and health care with thousands of her constituents through meetings, public events and tele-town hall conference calls."

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