Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obama to Traditional Liberal Media Elite: Drop Dead

Obama and his public relations crew just initiated the next great gaffe of the administration. They announced that they will increasingly bypass the White House Press Corps to speak directly with bloggers and other alternative forms of media. Of course they plan to only speak to liberal and leftist sources so as to avoid the "filter" and speak directly to the base.

I just spoke to friend about this latest Obamfoolery. He responded with "Sounds like what the Republicans have been doing for years." My response to him? "Exactly."

It's called preaching to the choir. Republicans have followed this strategy and it does not work. Sure it feels better to only speak with people that believe in what you are doing and will not challenge you. The GOP set up its own news agency for awhile for this purpose. This strategy got the Republicans nowhere.

Imagine how bad it will turn out for the leftist Obamacrats. The liberal news media helped to create Obama and now, when times for them are toughest, they propose to ignore their benefactor. It looks like revenge against a press corps that has shed much of the partisanship of the past several years and has returned to some semblance of real reporting. The fawning stopped, real journalism began, and the Obamacrats are shocked. How dare any reporter challenge The One!

Why the challenges? Part of the coverage is the sudden absence of Bush, who inspired a bizarre hatred among the journalistic community. Part of it is because of Bush. The coverage of him was so slanted, they now have to demonstrate journalistic fairness by questioning their own choice as president. Most of it is because Obama has bumbled and fumbled in his first two months. With his poll numbers down to around 50%, he blames not his own incompetence and lack of even effort, but the press corps for doing at least part of its its job.

How will the press react? Reporters have already turned away from the Won in many instances. Now you will see the editors and producers go after him. He is shunning them at a time when they are most vulnerable. They will not go down without a fight.

Should be fun!

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