Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where Is the Leadership?

Throughout our nation's short history, we generally see crisis produce leadership. Either the man or woman on the spot rises to the occasion or someone emerges unexpectedly.

We see neither happening at least to this point.

Obama, let's pity him a second, started his campaign during rosy good times. The fallout from Clinton era policies on mortgages had not yet reared its ugly head. He figured he could become president based upon disenchantment with Iraq, surrender in that war, and live happily ever after.

The Democrats goofed by backing and nominating him. His shotgun, yet vapid approach to any and all problems mystifies even liberals. Obama does everything the Left expects in a leader. He speaks well, lowers himself to levels presidents normally do not stoop into, and he backs watered down Marxist ideals. He does all of this with a mind boggling incompetence. The latest gaffe was writing a letter to the French president. That in itself is not bad. Calling him by his predecessor's name is. He may remember that the next time someone addresses him as "President Bush." As if anyone could mistake this guy for Bush.

Republicans have done little better. Who represents us? I had, and still have, a lot of hope for Michael Steele. However he has strumbled out of the gate himself. Luckily running a political party does not have as high stakes as running a nation. Mitt Romney is hanging back, not wanting to campaign three years too early as Giuliani and Hillary Clinton did.

Newt Gingrich has stepped into the limelight a little more often recently. Should hard times continue, Gingrich may set himself up as the perfect candidate to oppose Obama. He has intellect, experience, and substance. Additionally he has a powerful and confrontational style that will seem refreshing after four years of Obama droning on and on in his faux statesmanlike voice. I also expect that Gingrich will continue to not require a teleprompter. However he has not yet grasped at the chance to lead.

For all of the gloom and doom forecasting about the GOP though, it is not time to panic. Leadership will emerge in the next couple of years. It also does not appear that this president will cease screwing up any time soon. Opposition to Marxism combined with strong articulation of party beliefs should restore the vitality to the GOP.

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