Friday, March 20, 2009

The New Stamp Act?

In 1763, Americans were confident and proud citizens of the British Empire. They had little complaints about a government that protected them in the most extensive war ever fought.
Then came the deluge. Britain, hurting from severe deficits, started creating and enforcing tax laws. Some of these taxes were not unreasonable, nor did they represent a major burden upon most of the people. Howeverm they represented a fundamental attempt to revolutionize the relationship between the government and the governed. Parliament sought to impose its will and its vision of government upon the people without respecting their natural rights.
Americans responded. Within two years rioters marched through the streets, burning those who defended the hated taxes in effigy. By 1775 they once again took arms, changing their country and changing the world.

The Obama/Pelosi plan to revolutionize America has come at breathtaking speed. Leftists in the Pelosi led Congress want to put GPS trackers in every American automobile. Obama wants to place heavy taxes upon electricity consumption that will hurt all Americans. Consumers will make difficult choices about whether or not to keep their home heat at a healthy level while producers, including our West Virginia coal miners will suffer. All of this comes due to a global warming theory that researchers and events have now thoroughly discredited.

The fact is that electric prices are set to rise anyway. Caps on price rises have been in place in many areas since the 1990s. All the various governments have to do is remove the intervention, allow the free market to set the price, and take no action. Instead we will see both the price hikes and the taxes raised because the current left wingers are hell bent on revolutionizing the country and refuse to think through their actions.

Even Tip O'Neill, bugbear of Reagan era Republicans, would not advocate hurting average Americans to support a crackpot theory.

What will this bring, if all these plans are allowed to come into place? Eventually we will see our country transformed into the dull lackluster hues of George Orwell's 1984. Everyone exists at a certain standard, alive, but locked in one low standard of living. The government will follow you around in your car. Will we fight? Not if they can help it, because they will seize our weapons. Once they have our weapons, they will be free to do as they please, when they please. Medieval English kings understood that a government must remain accountable when the population is armed. Why don't some of us remember that?

It's time to remember our Founding Fathers. We do not need violence, but Americans conscious of their rights of all areas and parties must come together. It is time to remind the government who its employers are. People around the country need to keep assembling and demonstrating to their representatives how troubling these plans are. In 2006 we had a dynamic and powerful economy. Look what liberal Democratic control of Congress has done to our country. They won the vote, then kicked out the reasonable and experienced committee leaders, such as Senator Byrd and Joe Lieberman. This left only the most radical and dangerous in terms of their antipathy to the vision of the Founding fathers. It also follows the model of teh French and Bolshevik Revolution. Overthrow the system, then purge the moderates. All you have left are the radicals.

And they are not done yet. Not by a long shot.

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