Wednesday, March 18, 2009

CNN and the Left

Former CNN reporter, Mauricio Funes, was just elected President of El Salvador. Now many main stream news outlets are leaving out the fact that Funes was a former CNN reporter. The Washington Post reported, "Mauricio Funes, a former TV newsman who was recruited to run for president," and Reuters "Funes -- a former TV journalist and candidate of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front," both mention that he was a TV news journalist, but they fail to mention the the CNN element. Why?

CNN has been accused of left wing bias it their reporting over the years, a fact that they deny. The reality is most of the main stream press has been accused of left leaning bias, so leaving out the fact that Mauricio Funes was CNN Reporter might be done on purpose. The political party, Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMNL) which was named for Farabundo Marti the founder of El Salvadors Communist Party. El Salvadors Communist led years of civil war leading to allegations of war crimes.

The facts are a former CNN reporter is a communsit and not just any communist, but now the leader of El Salvador. Why was this fact left out or glossed over in reporting? It is the reporters job to report the facts and not leave anything out. More media bias?

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