Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It Can Happen Here As Long As Nancy Pelosi Runs the Show

At the risk of giving Congressional lefties any ideas, it is necessary to point out the attempt by the Italian government to license bloggers.

Italy's Parliament is seeking to get control of the country's network of free speakers on the Internet. Apparently the persistence of organized crime along with economic problems does not occupy enough time.

Europeans have a different view of rights than British and Americans, traditionally. Britain and the United States believe that rights come from God or nature and should be curtailed as little as possible. Other Europeans believe that rights are things that the government allows the people to do. A major difference of perspective separates these two conceptions of liberty.

Italy is currently controlled by a government labeled "right." It must be noted that in Italy, free market advocates are lumped in with those who pine for a watered down Mussolini. The fact that Mussolini resembles more the Communists than the capitalists apparently makes little difference.

The move is a mistake. Bloggers only stand to gain attention when their freedoms get threatened. Also, how does one patrol the internet?

Finally, it can happen here. Look at the aborted move to contain conservative talk radio. Look at the personal attacks on Rush Limbaugh. Left wing Democrats differ from plain old liberals in that their regard for the law and liberties is minimal. They want to banish conservative opinions from the air and prosecute President Bush. Conservatives must remain vigilant and not give in when the threat materializes.

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