Monday, March 23, 2009

Dateline Washington, 1944.

Imagine if we woke up one day and the history books changed.

Instead of "Patton Rolls Twoards Victory in Europe," headlines and newsreels said "Roosevelt to negotiate with Hitler and Japan. The reaction would be "Say what? Were we not on the cusp of winning?"

Yes, we were. When asked what victory would look like, Franklin Roosevelt earlier in the war said in no uncertain terms that America expected "Unconditional surrender." Yes it took longer, but in the end, we got a Germany led by a democracy stronger than anyone expected. As John F. Kennedy put it later, we were willing to pay any price and bear any burden for democracy.

Now it has emerged that Barack Obama wants to talk to the Taliban. The Taliban! They only harbored and encouraged the enemies of our nation who killed thousands of people. Let's give them the Panama Canal while we are at it. Oops, too late!

The only unconditional surrender Barack Obama understands is that of his own country.

When will we wake up and exhale a sigh of relief with Dennis Hastert still running the House of Representatives and John McCain (or Mitt Romney!) serving as president?

One thing is for certain. I don't see Obama winning the soldier vote (not like he had many of them before.) But this time the Democrats may be able to follow their previous plans to virtually disenfranchise the ones serving abroad.

This is a rambling diatribe and not well thought out. That's because I am mad. What is the purpose of fighting hard and winning a war if some pacifistic Communist is going to cut the United States off at the knees?

Obama wants to be the Old Man Daley (Chicago machine boss) of the United States but he needs to remember something. Daley was a Democrat of the Truman era. He would have nuked teh Taliban before talking to them.

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