Monday, February 2, 2009

Bush's Greatest Success in the War on Terror

Despite the outcry during the last campaign over the fact that Osama Bin Laden has not been captured yet, consider this.

What is the absolute best thing that could happen to that man right now?

Since 2001 American action and policy forced Bin Laden deep underground. New laws froze his assets and intelligence dogged him relentlessly for years. US action brought his organization into an Iraq war that sapped away its manpower and resources while breaking down its command structure.

Al Qua'ida, much like the Ku Klux Klan in the 20th century, went from being terrifying to near punch line status. Bin Laden's "I'm still alive guys!" tapes do not command the attention of anyone anymore. Basically the group has been reduced to firing tired old race insults at Obama.

So what is the best thing that could happen to Bin Laden?

Actually if he made his way into the United States and turned himself in at One Police Plaza, New York City, that would be about it. Imagine the attention he would bring to himself. Dying with his boots on, so to speak, would be the second best fate, capture the third.

Right now, Bush's War on Terror consigned Bin Laden to what he might consider hell. His hell is irrelevancy. No one cares what he says anymore. He has grown into another high profile fugitive who must spend more time hiding than planning his next great act of terror.

Should he turn himself in or get captured, he goes on public trial. Remember that putting Hitler on trial was one of the biggest jump starts Germany gave the National Socialist movement. Kill Bin Laden and he becomes a martyr.

Also, remember when the Democrats made a huge deal over the disbanding of the CIA unit dedicated to Bin Laden. In retrospect, this put Bin Laden on the public road to irrelevancy. Of course it also made good sense. The organization was the threat more than the man.

Let's hope that Bush's good work here does not get undone by the new administration.

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