Monday, June 16, 2008

Illegal to be Overweight?

If we need any more indications that what we used to call liberal democracy is on the decline, we just need to look at Japan.

When someone uses the term "liberal democracy" or "classical liberalism" they do not mean the left wing socialist style liberalism that has gained ascendancy in the current Democratic party. Liberalism at one time referred to those who advocated breaking through the restrictive regulations of 18th century mercantilism to create freedom and opportunity for individuals and business. It meant that people needed freedom from government so they could thrive. Individuals and businesses had the freedom to make choices and the responsibility to live with them. There was no contradiction between the fact that these people called themselves "liberal" and that the word derived from the same Latin root that gives us "liberty."

After World War II, societies began exercising their democratic rights to trade away their liberties. In America those advocating more restrictions and less freedoms called themselves "liberals." Europeans traded their economic freedoms for what they felt would be a more orderly economy. The socialist regulatory state resembled Mussolini's Italy more than a classically liberal state. On the Continent this was understandable since real democracy had only existed there a short time. The virus has recently infected Britain, however. Their so-called liberals forced the population to give up their guns. And this country was the origin of the idea of natural rights!

That brings us to Japan. They recently passed legislation that established a national standard for waistlines. Towns and cities that do not meet national standards will face sanctions. Of course this means the people will suffer eventually. This kind of legislation probably appeals to some American nanny staters who would use the power of the state to force people into certain lifestyles. However it reeks more of the physical obsession of states designed by Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini.

The anti freedom virus has infected too many states. We must work to turn back the tide.

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