Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Illegal to be Overweight Part Two

If you saw the previous article about Japan passing laws to outlaw obesity, you know what I am talking about. That country established national waistline standards that will cause towns and cities to be punished if their citizens are too overweight.

The big question here is, how would the state find out if people in a given city are too fat or not? My guess is that the government has too much access to health care numbers on individuals. They can leverage that information against towns and cities who will then bring compulsive power down upon individuals. All this effort for a problem that is none of the state's business.

It can't happen here, right? Too late! Governor Joe Manchin expends state resources to gather information about what kind of exercise each child in school does every day. That's right. Children must report their physical activities on a calendar every day or they receive a D in their physical education class. Are you an aspiring valedictorian that believes in freedom and keeping government out of your life? Too bad. Uncle Joe says you have to tell.

Expect more of this kind of interference if the government ever gains control of health care. That will give them access to all your information. Governments cannot be trusted with the economy because they make economic decisions for political reasons. That is why the Soviet Union fell apart and why China has abandoned real Communism (although they maintain their dictatorship.) It is why Britain has almost no dentists and why people there have taken to extracting their own teeth.

Socialized health care will not only result in poor decisions by politicians, it will also allow the government to craft policies to encourage you to be healthier whether you like it or not. Someday compare pictures of those who led our Revolution and crafted our Constitution with those who founded fascist and communist states. The American founders are certainly a mixed bag. For every trim George Washington you have two or three pear shaped Franklins or John Adamses. You also have a few morbidly obese men such as General Henry Knox. Look at the Nazis. Outside of morphine addict Hermann Goering, you have a group that was obsessed with physical fitness. Look at Stalin's inner circle. Krushchev was a little pudgy, but most of those men stayed pretty fit as well.

The difference is the freedom to choose. Our society is based upon that ideal but it is difficult to maintain it. The enemy is the nanny state and they don't take all our freedoms at once. They use what Stalin called "salami tactics." If you slice away a bit at a time, no one notices. Uncle Joe Manchin takes a little freedom by forcing kids to give up their privacy "because it is for their own good." Socialized health care by comparison is giving away the farm. We put this crucial part of our system into government hands and we have told the world that we are no longer free.

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