Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What part of Illegal don't they understand?

The definition of illegal seems to depend on whether or not you agree with the specific law. I was not brought up that way. I know that the world is not black and white, it is shades of gray. If there is a law you do not agree with, then you work to change it. Not ignore it.

In California they are now selling Marijuana out of a vending machine. Click here for a video from CBS News. How can the Feds ignore a blatant disregard for the law? It is illegal to distribute a controlled substance, and this is now national news. The minute the story ran the Feds, should have been their to shut this operation down.

States debate giving drivers license to illegal aliens. How do you give a legal document to some one that is here illegally? Giving drivers license to legal immigrants is one thing, because that means the have been vetted by the system and are believed not to be criminals. But giving drivers license to someone that came here illegally means we are giving drivers license to people that have never had a background check.

Webster defines illegal as: not according to or authorized by law : unlawful illicit; also : not sanctioned by official rules

At some point we should understand the definition of illegal and act accordingly. All things are generally shades of gray, somethings are closer to black and white. Selling illegal drugs in a vending machine is a lot closer to black and white than gray. Giving drivers license to illegals is also a lot closer to black and white.

Those of that understand right from wrong need to start putting our foot down and say enough is a enough.

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