Monday, February 4, 2008

Craig Blair has a plan to save the 304 area code

If you are an individual you may not think that a change in area code is a big deal, but for a business it can lead to a loss in sales. This past week I received a call from a customer. He got our business name out of an old magazine from 2000. After 8 years the magazine ad still generated a phone call, but if the area code changes 18 years of advertising our phone number will be out the window.

The need for an additional area code in WV is contrived at best. The 304 area code has the ability to have 10 million phone numbers. Now with only 1.8 million West Virginians that means each one of us can have up to 5 full phone numbers without the need for another area code. In order to divide them up, the local prefixes would have have greater areas and they are not willing to do that.

The problem is being caused by the proliferation of cell phones. Craig Blair has the best solution. Allow all the land lines to stay with the 304 area code and give all the cell phones a new area code. After all they are causing the problem, not the land lines.

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