Thursday, January 24, 2008

Preston County Republicans Well Organized

Tuesday night I was invited to attend the Preston County executive committee meeting. It was one of the largest Republican meetings I have attended, save for a West Virginia State Republican meeting.

The first thing I noticed was these were unified Republicans. They were discussing their trip to Charleston on the 5th. While many people were representing different Presidential Candidates, the discussion was at the task at hand. The knew what needed to be done and the politics of politics were not on the agenda.

The second thing I noticed was the full slate of candidates they had organized for the ballot. There were 4 candidates for sheriff alone. It has been my experience than when several people are running for the same position, there is usually a certain amount uneasiness among those running. I could feel not tension in the air, doesn't mean it wasn't there, but it was not noticeable.

After discussion on the upcoming convention the topic of discussion turned to getting Republican candidates known and available to the public. A very good flow of ideas was given on how to do this. Everything from meet and greets to debates.

The Preston Republican's were still not done. They then turned there attention to voter registration. I'm not going to delve into the details, because some of them the other side may not have thought of, but they have a plan.

It is easy to see why Preston County has a growing Republican population. The executive committee is well organized, it is active, it takes the politics of politics out of the equation, and most importantly is listens to its voters for their ideas and needs. Good job.

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