Monday, August 13, 2007

Shelley Moore Capito Gives as Good as She Gets

The latest political stunt orchestrated by the Democratic Congress came in the form of a bill that would have caused hardships and complications for our military. Few people understand the difficulties faced by the military as they struggle to deploy troops in different theatres around the world from a 100% voluntary force. Congressional Democrats proposed legislation that, if it passes the Senate, will make the process almost impossible by mandating much longer periods of leave for soldiers serving in Iraq.
Everyone would like to see soldiers able to spend more time at home, but this places severe constraints on the military's ability to operate. As the daughter of a man who served his country with distinction in World War II, Ms. Capito understands the strains that combat places on individual soldiers. She also understands that our commanders need flexibility in making deployment decisions. Some have accused the Democrats of trying to force a withdraw from Iraq by making the conduct of the war much more difficult. In any event Democrats know that President Bush will veto the bill. This is more of a statement than a well thought out bill. It is a ploy to create an issue to use against responsible Republican congressmen and women in 2008.

Shelley Moore Capito represents a district that has a higher than average rate of men and women in the service and knew the Democrats would target her if she voted against it. Six Republicans broke ranks to side with the Democrats and others merely signified "present." She had the courage to vote against the bill, preserving the flexibility of the military. Will this vote appear in a commercial next year? You can bet on it. Did Capito's vote represent political courage? Absolutely.

Once again Shelley Moore Capito shows strength, backbone, and responsibility.

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