Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ideological Environmentalism Threatens Freedom

For decades Czechoslovakia, now broken into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, felt the boot heel of one of the most brutal regimes behind the Iron Curtain. People in this country know oppression and tyranny when they see it. The Soviet Union in 1947 prevented that nation from receiving Marshall Plan aid to relieve their hunger and suffering. They went to jails, mental hospitals, and execution chambers for their beliefs. Czechoslovakia endured an invasion in 1968 not for trying to leave the Soviet bloc, but only for trying to make Communism more free.

Vaclav Klaus currently serves as president of the Czech Republic. This summer he addressed a letter to Americans through the Cato Institute warning about threats to freedom in Europe and everywhere. Neostatism and the European Union affect individual rights on that side of the Atlantic. Environmentalism, according to the Czech President, threatens all freedom loving people.

Although concern about the environment is common to most people, Klaus identifies environmentalist ideology as a threat. He states "Environmentalism only pretends to deal with environmental protection. Behind their people and nature friendly terminology, the adherents of environmentalism make ambitious attempts to radically reorganize and change the world, human society, our behavior, and our values." First and foremost among the goals of environmentalists is "disbelief in the power of the invisible hand of the free market and a belief in the omnipotence (of the) state." Their major weapon, the global warming issue, comes from science based not on time honored techniques, but on intricate models based upon false assumptions.

Clearly old time Marxism has evolved into a stronger threat to individual freedom and the capitalist system. Al Gore looks a lot less threatening that Vladimir Lenin, but his ideas undermine individual freedoms just the same. At the end of the day, both want to curtail your freedom with the power of the state. Defenders of freedom must avoid being fooled by the rhetoric and see environmentalist ideology for what it is.

Free market capitalism not only has shown itself to be the best way to improve the lives of people, but also the most effective way to develop environmentally friendly policies. Russia and Eastern Europe still suffer from the damage done under Communism. Environmentalist ideology's end result would see the state once again commanding the economy, bringing forth the same terrible results.

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