Friday, August 3, 2007

The Party of 50th Place: WV Democratic Party

Chris Stirewalt made an interesting observation in a recent editorial in the State Journal when he called the WV Democratic Party, the party of the 50th place. The party in charge is the one that sets the agenda, and should suffer the consequences. In the last congressional election we saw the Republican Party taken from power for the War in Iraq. So with West Virginia now at the bottom, do the Democrats have a similar fate in store for 2008?

Chris also made another observation that the Republican Party in West Virginia was not able to follow the lead of mid-west Republicans or southern Republicans in advancing the party in this state. West Virginia as a state doesn't like to be pigeon holed. We don't fit neatly where others wish us to be.

In Joel Garreau's book The Nine Nations of North America he lays out 9 distinct regions across North America that share cultural and economic connections. Again West Virginia defied description. In good economic times he stated we are part of the industrial north, and in bad times we belong to Dixie.

We have been very successful in not allowing others to define us. However under the Democratic leadership of the past 50 plus years we have managed to define ourselves economically as 50th. While we used to say, "Hey, at least we are not Mississippi" now Mississippians are saying, "Hey, at least we are not West Virginia."

Now is the time for West Virginia to redefine its economic self. We must do this from the inside with changes in leadership. We have allowed the party of 50th define us, now it is time for a change. We have no place to go but up. We need leadership that understands economic freedom brings prosperity. If the WV Republican Party can get out the message they are that party the future may begin to get brighter.

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