Thursday, September 26, 2013

Cabell County Delegate Sick of Welfare Subsidized Drug Violence

From Delegate Kelli Sobonya, (R) Cabell County:

I am past sick and tired of drug thugs taking over our state. The recent Huntington shooting is the last straw for me. The shooting victims all have criminal records. I'm trying to find out if any of them are on public assistance. I've cosponsored bills to require drug testing for taxpayer benefits with leadership standing in the way of debate. Today, I and Delegate Cowles sent the Secretary of WV DHHR a letter to give us a full report of how many on public assistance have been convicted of drug crimes. WV currently has a lifetime ban on drug convicts receiving food stamps. We've also asked for a report of how this is enforced. I'm calling on Governor Tomblin to call in the National Guard, much like Georgia and Puerto Rico have done, to help with our war on drugs. The line in the sand has been drawn. Drug thugs be on notice. And for those who want to buy or deal drugs on public assistance, no longer with the taxpayers' or my money!!

Huntington News Net's coverage of the tragedy.

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