Thursday, November 4, 2010

Generally Speaking, George Will Says It Better Than Almost Anyone. Obama's Interpretation of the Election

Will is, in this piece, writing on the theme articulated by F. A. Hayek, that planning leads to a government of, for, and by appointed experts, not the people or their elected representatives. Shriking government means getting rid of many of the expert planners. If it is too complicated for Congress and the President, we ought to sometimes argue whether the government should be involved at all.

In my experience, it is difficult for some leftists and liberals to hold a discussion. They believe that their principles are right and people will come to their side if they will only use reason. They do not understand that others can use reason and come to opposing conclusions. I understand the logic behind liberal and left wing arguments. I disagree with their conclusions about human nature and their lack of belief in individual rights.

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