Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Sky Is Blue, Water Is Wet, Obama Is a Jackass

Rush Limbaugh will probably get blistered by the mainstream media this week for calling Barack Obama a jackass.

He also called the president an "ignoramus" and "economically illiterate."

The subject was Obama's refusal to extend Bush era tax cuts to the top 2% of wage earners. Some of his own economic advisors have said recently that this group has "taken their ball and gone home." In other words, since it will not profit them to invest and create jobs, they won't. To Limbaugh and economic conservatives, this is common sense that Obama either does not or will not understand.

Limbaugh has a knack for shaping the debate with occasional, well placed jabs. He is seeking to create a debate on the president's economic competence while trying to bait Obama (yet again) into attacking him while ignoring the real political opposition. Every time Obama attacks Limbaugh or Fox News, he confirms the perception that he has little interest in the liberties enumerated in the Constitution. He plays into the hands of conservatives by attacking the media and making himself look thin skinned and exasperated. Of course, that is because he IS thin skinned and easily exasperated.

Obama's Rolling Stone interview, where he chastises voters for following their self-interest and not him, was actually classical jackass behavior. Limbaugh is probably parroting what many former Obama voters have said since the interview was released.

Obama will react as Limbaugh expects, by attacking the conservatives and libertarians in the media and harming further the Democratic efforts to even remain relevant in Congress after this November. After next January, watch Congress push Obama into near irrelevance himself, a la Andrew Johnson.

Question is, will he blame George W. Bush for it all?

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