Friday, July 9, 2010

Is Anyone Else Tired of the Sturmabteilung Tactics of the Left?

The New Black Panther Party is videotaped in the act of intimidating white voters in Philadelphia. The Service Employees International Union invade people's yards to intimidate young teenagers whose relatives happen to be connected to banks. These and other groups advocate even more extreme action to further their own agendas.

Why do we tolerate it?

The Sturmabteilung was the main group that facilitated the rise of National Socialism to power in Germany. They specialized in street violence and menacing law abiding citizens, especially Jews. Leftists, which Hitler and teh National Socialists were, lioked to push the envelope when they operated in a democracy only to clamp down when they took power.

Fortunately, these thug tactics horrify a majority of independents and a minority of Democrats. This has led to Obama and his radicals being unable to maintain a tight grip on power despite their efforts to intimidate the media and politicians.

But how do we the people fight back when we see thugs and National Socialist wannabes show up to try and scare good and decent people? If you are in an area where these types congregate at election time, first call the law, then call the local Tea Party organization. Safety exists in numbers and cameras. The presence of cameras and almost instantaneous uploading of video to Youtube and news organizations will make sure law enforcement does its job and may even restrain the thugs.

This is our country. We want traditional American elections, not voters intimidated like they are voting in Venezuela. Hopefully we will have a government soon that recognizes the fact that no difference exists between the New Black Panthers and the Ku Klux Klan when it comes to bigotry and bad intentions. And if the SEIU comes onto private property, well if you are in a Castle Law state, you know what to do.

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