Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Anti-Incumbent, Anti-Democrat, Or Something Else?

Alan Mollohan is gone. Democratic Senator former Republican) Alan Spectre is about to be gone as well. However voters also rejected Senator Bob Bennett, a Republican from Utah. So is this a Republican revolution unfolding or a rejection of all incumbents?

Incumbents of both parties who supported massive debt expanding, budget busting initiatives are definitely vulnerable this year. Senator Bennett supported parts of Obamacare and also voted for bailouts. Utah rejected the campaign of a senator representing a small government party. It rejected a man running for his third term after promising to only serve two.

In other words voters almost everywhere are saying the same thing. They want to pull the throttle back on spending and taxes. They want officials they can trust. Regardless of party, those supporting big government are vulnerable almost everywhere.

Voters are anti-big government, anti-tax, and anti-compromise. They are angry at a government that is spinning out of control and seems bent on prusuing policies that will curtail growth, raise bills and taxes, and generally interfere in people's lives. Some prominent liberals, like Woody Allen, have seen the writing on the wall and advocated that Obama assume dictatorial powers. Alan Mollohan tried to make proposals for modest administrative cuts look like slashing Social Security checks.

The future is in our hands in November. Vote for the party and the candidates that will deliver massive cuts in the government and its spending. Nothing short of tremendous reform in how we look at government and its role will save this situation.

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