Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Put Down Your Pole Opie! Obama Might Ban Fishing.

Yes it sounds like an extreme right wing piece, but this comes from ESPN, not known for its conservative leanings. Read the story for complete details.
Obama, for reasons known only to him, has decided to work with several agencies to implement a policy on fishing. The main groups advising him are extremist environmental organizations such as Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund (last seen suing the World Wrestling Federation for the right to use "WWF.")
In doing so he will use presidential Executive Orders, statements that have the force of law, to bypass Tenth Amendment protections on state sovereign rights over streams.
Few things are more traditionally American than a boy going down to the creek or lake to fish without bureaucrats looking over his shoulder. If he can do this to fishing, he will do the same to hunting.
Once again, West Virginia's way of life is under attack from Obama and his Communist, environmental nutjob friends.
Sure, you thought Obamunism couldn't get much worse.

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