Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New Black Panther Party Probably Behind Latest "Tawana Bradley" Type Case From West Virginia

Another white on black gang rape case is shown to be a lie.

Meghan Williams, a young black teenage girl from Logan County, horrified the nation with allegations a few years back that six white men abducted, raped, and tortured her for several days. Now she has completely recanted her story.

The six men all pled guilty and received lengthy prison sentences. With her potentially testifying against them, it was apparently an open and shut case. Of course they were charged under unconstitutional hate crimes statutes.

Williams' attorney, Bryan Potts, accuses Williams' deceased mother and New Black Panther Party leader Malik Shabazz of coercing a young and confused teenage girl of concocting the lie. One of the accused had been a boyfriend of Williams. So far, th enotion of getting back at an ex boyfriend is the only reasoning given by her. A press conference is planned to give further explanation.

This leads one to wonder about the representation these young men had. Certainly it must have been tempting to take a deal that gave these men a chance to be free decades down the road instead of a life sentence. However a jury trial would have forced the police to look for forensic evidence that did not exist. In the modern climate, it is doubtful that a jury would have failed to convict them after hearing testimony from Williams. That being said, a good attorney might have cracked her story.

What ifs are nearly pointless. The reality is that a lie shattered the lives of all of these young men and also Williams herself. She must live with the fact that her lies ruined lives.

The only villain left is the New Black Panther Party leadership. These terrorist thugs saw a chance to get national attention for themselves on the backs of six innocent men. Was it not a hate crime to push a girl to lie and jail white men unjustly? If we are going to have hate crimes statutes, the prosecutors ought to try Shabazz on them because what he did absolutely stemmed from racial hatred.
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