Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Welcome to the other side of the Looking Glass

I have read several articles in recent days that make be feel as I have stepped through the looking glass to the other side. The side where right and wrong are mixed up. One article talks about how the Empire State Building with be bathed in Red and Yellow light to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Government in China. Another talks about a Communist Chinese flag flying ceremony at the White House. Why would, let alone should, the most successful capitalist nation in the world celebrate the oppressive regime that killed an estimated 50 million of its own people under Mao? The obvious answer is we shouldn't.

We should be embracing those that fight for freedom. On the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Government in China I will be saying a prayer for this fellow. He is a true Chinese hero, no a world hero.

I refuse to celebrate anything but freedom. This Communist Government that we are about to celebrate in Washington and New York is the same government that attacked US Troops during the Korean War, a war that has never officially ended. This same government supplied the Viet Cong that killed US troops in Vietnam. This same Communist Government in 2001 captured a US Navy aircrew after a Chinese fighter jet harassing a P-3 Orion in international waters collided with our plane forcing it to make an emergency landing. The Communist Chinese Government has been caught spying on the US. They block attempts to stop nations like Iran from getting nuclear weapons.

The Communist oppose every freedom we believe in. The world has been turned upside down when the free peoples of the world celebrate those that choose to enslave their own people. Welcome to the other side of the Looking Glass.

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