Thursday, June 25, 2009

How Do You Fight Radical Islam?

In the past two weeks I have been reading in my spare time a book called The White Nile. It's about forty years old (pre New Left) and I picked it up at Goodwill for maybe a quarter. The book describes the colonization of the region now called Sudan, still one of the most dangerous points on earth.

Britain did not really want to control Sudan at first. They were drawn in by their hatred of the slave trade. British administrators worked with Egyptian government officials in a very complicated manner to try and end slavery while bringing order and peace to the region. All our children learn about in public school and college is "evil British imperialism."

Enter a charismatic and energetic British officer, Major General Charles George Gordon. The Sudan increasingly came under the sway of an Islamic mystic called the Mahdi. He started as a true charismatic cult leader and ended up (as many of them do) a degenerate and cruel individual. It was said that he employed the same maniacal grin at most events, including the slow torture of opponents. The Mahdi drew many into his camp that wanted the brutal slave trade restored and thus also opposed the British and Egyptians.

The Mahdi deployed his holy warriors against strongholds of Egyptian provinces governed by Europeans. One province led by Major General Sir Rudolf Antin Carl von Slatin surrendered. The Mahdi put to death all that did not subscribe to his brand of Islam. Slatin actually converted to Islam to avoid certain death. To those of his time, Slatin was considered a coward with no principles. He weakly defended himself by citing a less that strong religious upbringing. He kept his life at the price of dignity and respect.

Gordon was made the same offer and valiantly refused, even as the Mahdi surrounded his position for months. Relief was held up by the Liberal Party government who dithered over whether or not Gordon should be simply removed or augmented by more force. Gordon believed that he had made promises to the people in his province of Khartoum. They believed in him and Britain and would die horribly if not under the protection of the Union Jack. Gordon was a figure that inspired awe in the people of his province and elsewhere. He always publicly displayed perfect physical courage and endurance whether in battle of on long rides. Gordon had an infectious confidence also.

Eventually Gordon's city and garrison ran out of food. Reports he tried to sneak out about his dire condition fell into the hands of the Mahdi. The final attack on Khartoum after a seige of many monthswas horrifying. Crazed Mahdists cut down men, women, and children indiscriminately. Women that were not killed were savagely raped and tortured. Gordon, when he knew the end was near, calmly changed into his white dress uniform and awaited the end. When the Mahdists charged him, he defiantly turned his back and awaited death by the sword. Public education makes sure that children hear about Crusaders sacking Jerusalem many centuries ago. Where is the discussion of fanatical Islam and what they can do?

They ripped Gordon's body apart, threw it down a well, and paraded his head to the Mahdist towns. This was out of hatred, but also fear. The people had to know that Gordon was dead because they feared his power almost as much as the Mahdi. One Mahdist leader said Gordon was the perfect warrior and leader but for his devotion to Christ instead of Mohammed.

What can we learn from this story? America must look for respect in the world of radical Islam, not love. The Mahdi only directly attacked Gordon when he knew Gordon was weak, after reading Gordon's own letters. Otherwise they respected and feared him and even the Mahdi would not have dared attack. Weakness invites disrespect and disrespect invites violence.

When our Gordon led, the Islamic and wider world had respect. Now we have elected a Slatin who is ready to capitulate even on the issue of Christianity. Only if America is in chains and disrepute will radical Islam no longer favor us with their hate.

Most Americans would rather die in their dress white uniform with their boots on than embark on a loathsome surrender. Surrender is exactly Obama's choice of action. Hopefully we will not lose too much face before he can be replaced.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff... I couldn't agree more we need to be aggressive with Islam offensively, economically, and with the pen or spoken word.

    This is not a job for Obama.

    Great post, thanks...
