Monday, May 4, 2009

Pirates Take on Capitalism and Lose While Democrats Admit That Cap and Trade Is Really a Substantial New Tax

Pirates attempted to attack an Italian cruise liner named Melody and came away singing some sour notes.

Far be it for BBC or other news networks to report this, but the attack was thwarted by an Israeli security team hired to protect the liner and passengers. It shows that what is actually a low grade threat perpetrated by low rent thugs can be handled in a sophisticated and effective manner by trained private sector professionals.


Meanwhile even Democrats from states with manufacturing and mining interests continue to criticize the Obama Administration's continued push towards cap and trade regulations. They could not get it past Congress, so they had the EPA declare that climate change was a threat to the nation so the executive branch could enact it anyway.

Congress must step up to prevent the administration from rendering them powerless on an issue that will damage the economy and destroy jobs. Especially as global warming advocates have been disappearing fairly quickly as of late.

Representative John Dingell, Democrat from Michigan, fired away at Obama's enviromunists by saying "Nobody in this country realizes that cap and trade is a tax - and it's a great big one."

Where will our congressmen and women stand on this? We know that Capito and Byrd have stood up for their West Virginia constituents on this issue. How about the rest of them?

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