Monday, April 27, 2009

US annouces it has no plans to invade Canada

US announces it has no plans to invade Canada and we probably haven't even thought about it since the War of 1812. I'm pretty sure will not have any plans to invade Canada anytime soon. That headline makes you think, it makes you wonder what atrocity Canada committed, but if you don't read this story you will wonder that. You may even panic if you live on the border, but that story title is 100% accurate. We have no plans to invade Canada.

The White House Cabinet will be releasing Swine Flu information that basically says everything is normal, but the titles will indicate otherwise. Rahm Emanuel has said you never want to let a crisis go to waste and this will be no exception.

With the administration under heavy attack from the average American about out of control spending, ever increasing taxes, bailing out banks and businesses while many Americans are loosing their jobs and homes the administration is wanting to divert attention from their unpopular policies. The Swine Flu outbreak just gave Rahm Emanuel a crisis to use to the administrations advantage.

Now the flu is not to be taken lightly as it is a leading cause of death in the US every year, but we should not panic. The worst flu pandemic on record is the Spanish Flu break out of 1918-19 where and estimated 28% of the US population caught the flu and of those about 500,000 died. To put that in perspective about 200,000 people each year are hospitalized with the seasonal flu and of those about 36,000 die according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) . Today we have the best health care system in the world and many treatments are available now that would have saved most of those in the 1918-19 outbreak.

In 1976 an outbreak of the Swine Flu created a panic in the US. The government launched a massive immunization campaign in which 24% of the US population was vaccinated. At the time about 25 deaths from Guillain-Barre syndrome were brought on by the vaccination program and the program was stopped. No pandemic ever materialized and the panic subsided.

If you have symptoms of the flu, head to the doctor immediately and get checked out in the best health care system in the world. Don't take any chances, but don't panic either because the odds are stacked very heavily in your favor.

You're going to see lots of flu reports in the news coming up and you can be assured that many of them are going to be politically driven from the White House trying to draw attention away from the economic problems the administration is prolonging. Rahm Emanuel is not going to let this crisis go to waste and they are going to fan the flames to make it grow. Look at the already increasing volume of non-stories. "US says not testing travelers from Mexico for flu," OK, that is just normal. Have you ever received a flu test when you got off a plane? No. You're finding most of the headlines are panicky, but the stories are stories saying we are not doing anything differently. It is business as normal.

Keep in mind, the CDC monitors these outbreaks all the time and has plans already in place. Much of the information I quoted in this blog comes from CDC reports and plans.

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