Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What's the Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals?

Conservatives seek to govern. Liberals seek to rule.

Conservatives believe adults ought to make their own decisions about smoking, gun ownership, and other issues. Liberals believe that the only adult choice that ought to be left to anyone is whether or not to abort a pregnancy. At that point a 12 year old ought to decide on their own.

Conservatives see guns in terms of protection. You protect your home from intruders, protect your society from an oppressive government. Liberals see them for sport only. And they want to eliminate the sport!

Conservatives want to create conditions where prosperity can take hold, develop, and create opportunities. Liberals seek to plan and tax prosperity out of existence even before it happens.

Conservatives believe clean energy comes from private investment in a variety of profitable areas, such as wind power. Liberals believe clean energy is when no energy is produced, but somehow they end up with it while everyone else conserves.

Conservatives see government as the means; it is a necessary evil. Liberals see it as the means and the end; the curbing of human desires is a good thing in itself even when those desires harm no one or only harm the individual making the choice.

Conservatives believe that the United States has a right to protect its security by acting in response to threats wherever they present themselves in the world, as Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed. Liberals believe it is all America's fault.

Conservatives believe, as Martin Luther King Jr., that men and women should be judged not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. Liberals believe in reparations for wrongs done over one hundred and fifty years ago. Among those who should foot the bill are tens of millions whose ancestors were not even here.

Conservatives believe in a responsible balance between the interests of human beings and the maintenance of nature. Liberals do not mind putting thousands out of work on the off chance that a bird somewhere has been harmed.

Certainly conservatives individually will stray from their core beliefs. The world sometimes asks for, other times demands compromise. It is important to remember our standards and principles as American conservatives. We do not believe in simply sticking to everything that existed in the past. We believe that American principles are still relevant and that each generation must find its own way to conserve them.


Party of the Common Man Update

I never want to hear a Democrat complain about tax cuts for the wealthy again. How many Democratic leaders have we uncovered among Obama appointees who individually opted out of paying their taxes. Three at last count.

The IRS owes Obama a thanks for uncovering some pretty major tax cheats. Of course they won't lose their homes or go to jail.

1 comment:

  1. Your remarks fit in the larger model of what the true liberal (or progressive as they call themselves now) believes. If you add that they believe no rule, not even reality, applies to them, then you have a more complete model. No wonder minor inconveniences like paying taxes can be ignored.
