Friday, January 30, 2009

Press Release

West Virginia YR Chair says “Stimulus Bill Bad for Nation”

Kenova, WV - Wednesday evening, the US House of Representatives passed an appropriations bill termed as a Stimulus Package to the tune of $819 Billion dollars.

"The Democrats on Capitol Hill who voted for this bill should explain to the American people how spending money on things like STD prevention, computers, upgrades to offices, etc will help the American people get jobs,” said Ashley Stinnett, Chairman of the West Virginia Young Republicans. “The overwhelming majority of Americans do not realize what all was in this bill that will be so bad for this nation.”

Even if the debt created will be paid on time, the additional interest alone will surpass $300 billion dollars - twice the amount spent on the war on Iraq .

“This is not a stimulus package, it’s a pork laden bill that amounts to nothing but a huge government expansion at the cost of taxpayers across America ,” said Gary Abernathy, Executive Director of the West Virginia Republican Party.

“It should be noted that not one Republican in the US House voted for this bill, and its negative effects on the US economy are placed squarely on the Democrats’ shoulders,” said Stinnett. “How can future generations be expected to succeed if they are being burdened by irresponsible government spending today?”

Republicans have been calling for tax cuts for employers and citizens in order to help businesses keep jobs and individuals return money back into the economy to turn our economy around rather than more government spending, which is being advocated by the Democrats in Congress.
“All this bill does is create an even bigger government bureaucracy,” added Stinnett.

The Young Republicans is the oldest youth political organization in the nation. Members include volunteers and political activists under the age of 40.

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