Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Governor Needs an Economics Class

Recently when pressed by a reporter on whether or not to put off an increase in the state gas tax until next year, Governor Manchin stated that state Republican leaders should ask their oil company "buddies" to hold off on their collection of profits.

This demonstrates a typical lack of understanding of the economic system. In times of shortage, prices must go up or we run out of a resource. Since the Democrats will not allow us to drill our own oil, we must rely upon uncertain supplies. Recently terrorists attacked oil facilities in Nigeria, causing a temporary drop in world supplies. This will not help prices at all. Since the Democrats will not ease regulatory burdens on refinery construction and will not help with the burden of fighting myriad frivolous lawsuits, we have not constructed a new refinery in thirty years. We must rely on refineries elsewhere built with inefficient (and more pollution producing) technology. We could be the largest producer of oil on the planet and control our own destiny. Liberals fear our nation enjoying such self-sufficiency and power.

Perhaps the governor does understand this, but wants to make nice with his new buddy Barrack Obama. He can't be seen showing up his new friend who has also shown blatant ignorance on this issue. If we had only listened to George W. Bush four years ago, we would not be in this mess now.


Michael Steele's message to the state GOP convention, much like Shelley Moore Capito's in recent months, was refreshing. How often does one hear a politician saying that their party made mistakes? Steele, current chairman of GOPAC, talked at length about accountability and teh need to get back to basics. The ideals of the Contract With America, according to Steele, were forgotten by too many in Congress. That was why we lost. Certainly you cannot say that about every Republican congressman. Capito and many others never forgot the people.

Did we ever hear the Democrats saying such things while they were "out?" No, they simply assumed that the voters had been craftily tricked or that they lacked intelligence. The difference is that conservatives have more faith in the voters. If we lost their trust, we did something wrong and we need to earn it back. That is statesmanship fit for the greatest democratic republic in history, as opposed to the occasional arrogance demonstrated by the other side.

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