Friday, April 25, 2008

Capito as Congressional Innovator

Second District Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito recently proposed an interesting idea to address the issue of funding border defense. She stated that on every tax return that Americans should have the option of checking a box that would take a small amount of money and apply it towards border control efforts. This would both provide extra money to patrol the border and show how many Americans have concerns about the issue.

Capito's plan of voluntary taxation deserves attention. People can choose the issues they wish to support. Those concerned about the issue can market their ideas and try to sell Americans on making a choice to support certain initiatives. So long as ironclad guarantees remain in place that the money will go directly to the issue listed and nowhere else, this looks like a reasonable plan. Congress could approve a short list of issues that people can choose to support or not support. Choice is always an easier sell than imposition of taxes across the board.

Of course that choice already exists to an extent. Most social issues have some kind of private charity or church group that helps with fundraising. Government action is not always required, or even desirable in some instances. However, Capito's idea deserves serious consideration because it could change the way the government funds certain initiatives and policies. Even on the state level, certain programs could be helped in this manner.

Capito, like most Republicans, is conservative in ideals. Conservatism emphasizes the value of individual choices and freedoms over government imposed policies. Change in support of freedom of choice is almost always a positive step forward.

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