Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Failure of Imagination

Barack Hussein Obama recently accused his Democratic opponents, the Republican Party, and everyone else in Washington DC of a "failure of imagination." In Barack Hussein Obama's world, economic cycles do not exist and bad decisions have no consequences. In Obamaland, government is responsible for all the good and bad of society. Since the economy has hit a difficult patch (mind you, we are not even in a recession) Obama has taken the opportunity to say that everyone in the United States government with the exception of him is responsible for mortgage lenders and buyers making less than sound choices. To boot, they are also responsible for General Motors' poor judgment and bad luck as well. Of course the reason why General Motors and the mortgage market are in hard times are, you guessed it, the "failed" war in Iraq.

And you wonder why Clintoncrats and Republicans question this man's worthiness for office. Liberals jumped on George W. Bush in 2000 for failing to know the name of the leader of Pakistan. Obama fails to understand the economy of the United States, or that the war in Iraq is winding down and (surprise, surprise, surprise) we have achieved most of our goals.

Obama supporters don't tend to care that he has little experience or understanding. They say he is a smart guy and he promises change. Assuredly Obama has brains; you can't get to the United States Senate without them. Knowing how to sell a product does not mean you ought to run the company. And what about change? Change can be good or bad. We certainly need change in terms of more deregulation, a simpler tax code, an energy vision that lays more emphasis on domestic production, and many other ideas championed by President Bush but rejected by the last weak willed Republican Congress.

We don't need a guy who thinks government is the end all and be all of this country. Republicans believe change should also come from individuals who dedicate themselves to taking advantages of the opportunities presented by this great country of ours. We are descended from people who did not wait to be handed their success, they aggressively pursued and earned it. The death of the American work ethic comes from us looking to someone other than ourselves. Voting for Obama only furthers that process.


  1. I am interested in who you think will be the best presidential canidate.

  2. As it stands now, John McCain is a very strong candidate. Clinton Democrats that cannot stand the smoke and mirrors of Obama will support him in large numbers. Fear of an Obama presidency will bring the conservatives who are otherwise hesitant about McCain. The Vice Presidential nomination is going to be interesting as McCain tries to find geographic and ideological balance. In this race I do not like the GOP running a two white guy ticket. That means we need to look at Mel Martinez, Michael Steele, Elizabeth Dole, etc. If the nominee is Obama I would prefer Michael Steele because he has dramatic personal charisma. He also brings out the political racists among the Democratic Party.
