Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Another Failure of the West Virginia Ruling Party

The complete failure of the Democrat controlled government in West Virginia has never been more apparent than in the past week. Kanawha County must somehow absorb a shock to its economy. Tens of millions of dollars now regularly pumped into the region will shortly disappear.

Dow Chemicals is transferring a large number of jobs out of its South Charleston research center. These are not simply service jobs, but six figure salaries paid to Phd's. Losing these jobs ought not come as a surprise to anyone because this facility has hemorrhaged employment since the 1970s. Dow does not plan to cut these jobs but transfer the positions to the Gulf Coast or overseas.

Obviously Dow needs these positions. The problem according to Dow lies in the fact that they cannot obtain cheap supplies of natural gas in this region. An incredible statement considering much of West Virginia sits atop natural gas deposits. However the Byzantine nature of state and federal regulation laid atop the state tax structure means that West Virginia has lost its competitive edge in retaining these crucial jobs.

It all sounds familiar. West Virginians generally support the kind of development that leads to good jobs. Unfortunately they continue to elect people that block that very situation from occurring. Locally we have seen almost insane, Chicken Little style efforts to block development. In the midst of a month long period where we have seen good amounts of rain and snow, people actually have argued that we should block all development or face running out of water.

It is simple. To retain and create jobs we need a good business climate. To achieve that we must elect people that truly understand how to build and maintain one. Over the past seventy eight years the vast majority of Democratic leaders have proven that they know better how to dismantle rather than sustain one.

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