Thursday, November 15, 2007

Our Veterans

November 11th marks the date on the calendar that we honor our veterans. We gather in our towns, watch the parades with ROTC members, Veteran local organizations, civic groups and the occasional Uncle Sam on stilts. Whether or not we agree with the War on Terror, on that day, we join together, wave our American flags and enjoy the local marching bands and all those that participate to honor our veterans.

Our veterans are those that have fought before us to preserve our freedoms that we enjoy today. Their selflessness makes it possible for us to be able to enjoy our work, religion and life in general without fear.

The military has been a great way for our youth to serve our country. They voluntarily sign up, and go off to training. They leave their families and communities to go down an honorable road where they become the educated and well-disciplined individuals that we are so proud of.

Everyday that our men and women in the armed forces serve, they leave their families behind and go into harms way. They never know when get up in the morning what will await them when they walk in the front door of their duty station office or when they walk onto the battlefield.

And today, there are thousands of our men and women who serve on our soil but also overseas to fight against those who want nothing more but to harm us here at home.

Many of our soldiers that go off to battle return as combat veterans. They sometimes return as wounded, or worse, in a box draped by a flag. They leave and do not know the fate that awaits them.

They don’t do it for the glory, fame or money. In fact, many of our service men and women don’t make much at all in way of monetary compensation.

They do it because they care. They care about their families, their communities and their country. They want to make sure that the safety we have today, we will still have tomorrow.

So today, as we wake in freedom, we raise our flag, and say a prayer for our military. And when we see a veteran, we can’t thank them enough for what they have sacrificed so that we can have everything we dream of.

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