Thursday, September 27, 2007

New York City's Ninja Bandit Would Have a Short Career in West Virginia

Fox News reported September 25th on a crime wave striking fear into the lives of residents of Staten Island. Apparently a man enters homes dressed as a ninja, assaults residents with numchuks, and steals their property. Some have been slightly injured, but it is unknown whether the level of violence will escalate. The "Ninja Bandit" has struck seventeen separate homes.

Does anyone think that this man would strike seventeen different homes in West Virginia? Probably not. Bringing numchuks to a gunfight is not a prudent measure. As a matter of fact the ninja bandit would probably find some better way of spending his energy.

New York City for many years now, whether it be during Democratic or Republican administrations, has consistently discouraged law abiding citizens from owning firearms. The city government aggressively pushed for the legal right to sue gun manufacturers for the misuse of their product.

Has anyone ever suggested that automobile manufacturers be similarly treated if a driver is drunk, or uses the car for some illegal purpose? Absolutely not because it sounds ludicrous. However driving an automobile is considered a legal privilege, not a constitutional right. Despite the arguments of extremists, the Second Amendment exists so that armed citizens can protect themselves from dictatorial tyranny, their country from invasion, and their property from intruders. These rights extend back centuries in British and American law.

Gun rights' opponents have adopted what Stalin called "salami tactics," that is slicing away a little bit at a time. Gun rights groups such as the National Rifle Association are well aware of this and fight strongly any attempt to restrict our constitutional rights here. If we believe in freedom, we must all take a stand and support everyone's right to defend themselves with a handgun, if necessary.

After all, next time the ninja bandit strikes, it could be a vulnerable senior citizen. Without a handgun for protection, such a person would stand no chance against an intruder. If that happens, the victim's family can thank New York City leadership over the past few decades for aggressively tearing down their right to defend themselves

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