Tuesday, April 17, 2007

If Puerto Rico becomes a state WV loses a Congressman

The US House of Representatives is limited to 435 members by US Public Law 62-5 of 1911. A US population of 300,000,000 means one member of the house represents about 680,000 persons. West Virginia's population is 1.8 million, which means we should have 2.64 representatives. You round off and that equals 3 representatives for WV. If that number drops to 2.49, then we round off to 2.

Current 2010 census estimates show West Virginia keeping 3 house seats at least until 2020, but that could all change of Congressman Nick Rahall (D) has his way. Nick Rahall is supporting US House Bill HR 900, which could lead the way for Puerto Rico to become the 51st State. According to an article in CQ Politics Puerto Rico will have 6 House Members, and 2 Senators.

In 1957 when Hawaii and Alaska were made states the US House was increased to 437 members temporarily until the 1960 census. Each had a population that gave them 1 House member each. After the 1960 census, Alaska and Hawaii kept there one representative in the house and two were taken away from the other 48 states when the house returned to 435 members.

If Puerto Rico is made a state, then the house would temporarily go to 441 members until the next census. The US population in 2010 is estimated to be around 310 million. Puerto Rico will add an additional 4 million persons for a total of 314 million. After the 2010 census, with Puerto Rico a state, each house member will represent 721,000 persons when the house drops back to 435 members. That would mean West Virginia would require 2.496 Congressmen, and that rounds down to 2.

A West Virginia Congressman is leading a charge that could cost West Virginia its 3rd Congressional seat, reducing our power in Washington.


  1. After reading the blog, I am personally amazed that one of are own state congressman would want to lead the way in the pursuit of something that would give are state even a smaller voice in congress. I personally think that we need to consider what this bill would due to are state less of a voice is not the right choice for us, and adding a new state might not be the way to go. I know this has other issues attached but we as a state need to think about the affects that something like this could have on the Wild and Wonderful state of WV.

  2. Rahall is not looking out for WV or worried about Puerto Rico. He is only worried about loosing his seat. People are leaving his district in droves.

    He probably sees this as a way to get rid of Shelly Capito and take her seat. He is willing to put his personal welfare ahead of the state. He needs to go!

  3. Interesting to know.
